Week 1 – We have a Winner!

A big congratulations to McKenzie Snook who is $951 richer because she played her toonie in the Treasure Chest Toonie Draw weekly 50/50 lottery fundraiser!

McKenzie played her toonie at the Mill Road Circle K. Here she is presented a cheque by one of our team members Brenda Park. When asked, McKenzie said she hadn’t thought of what she would do with her winnings but she will definitely treat herselfΒ Β WTG McKenzie! Her number went right back in the drum.

The NEXT draw is September 25th. Get yourself registered and play your toonie for your chance to win by Monday Sept. 23rd! You have to be in toΒ #Win!

Week 1 live draw, Treasure Chest Toonie Draw 50/50 lottery fundraiser.

Congratulations to our first winner #208. We appologize for the low sound and some other technical difficulties. We are still trying to get our sea legs. For the next draw we will have the bugs worked out we hope. Please share our video and help us grow πŸ™‚ Thanks for playing and for supporting our fundraiser!Find out more about our fundraiswer at https://www.facebook.com/TCToonieDraw/ or our website https://treasurechesttooniedraw.nlllc.ca

Posted by Treasure Chest Toonie Draw on Wednesday, September 18, 2019


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