Week 11. November 18, 2020 Treasure Chest Toonie Draw 50/50 weekly lottery fundraiser. Folks we have a ROLLOVER! # 4450 was plucked from the barrel and WAS NOT PLAYED. The $2211 from this week will be added to what we collect next week! Folks that means we will have an estimated $4600+ Jackpot next week so be sure you get your toonies in by the cut off day -Monday, November 23rd for the draw on Wednesday November 25th!
The small prize this week is a nice gift basket of Norwex products donated by Angela Aultman! Norwex is an environmentally friendly line of chemical free cleaning and personal care products. Products include microfiber cloths, towels, laundry detergent, dish detergent as well skin care, deodorant soap and more. Check out Angela’s website www.angelaaultman.norwex.biz to learn more about Norwex products!