Week 12 Rolling Rolling Rolling our way to $7000+ Jackpot

Yo ho ho! Hold on to the gunwale or gunnel depending on where you hail! β›΅It’s been a great week for plunder and our hold is pretty full!πŸ’°Week 12. November 25, 2020 Treasure Chest Toonie Draw 50/50 weekly lottery fundraiser. Folks we have ANOTHER ROLLOVER! #3115 was plucked from the barrel and WAS NOT PLAYED. The $4679 from this week will be added to what we collect next week! Folks that means we will have an estimated $7000+ Jackpot next week! Some lucky pirate could be very happy next Wednesday! It could be you!

This week folks have a chance to win a beautifully crocheted Christmas Hat and Slipper set donated by Courtney Barrett from Unraveled With Courtney! Courtney takes crochet to the next level with quality products that range from headbands, hats and slippers to some very complex patterned products like pocket sweaters, shalls and of course throws and blankets! Check out her work atΒ https://www.facebook.com/groups/161335794652708

Congratulations to Jenn Brake, the winner of the Week 11 Small Prize Draw. Jenn wins a beautiful basket of Norwex products compliments of Angela Aultman! Check out Angela’s website www.angelaaultman.norwex.biz to learn more about Norwex products! Thank you so much Angela for supporting our fundraiser!

Thank you to the Corner Brook Reflections Synchronize Swim Club representatives who came to help us with our count today and earned some funds for their club πŸ™‚