Feb 22, 2023

Ahoy! #390 was seized from the barrel and WAS NOT PLAYED! We have a ROLLOVER of $4521! We are estimating a $9000+ 🅹
🆃 next week!

Get your toonies into the treasure chest by cutoff day- Monday, February 27th for the live draw on Wednesday, March 1st! You can’t win if you are not in!!!
****Get extra chances by registering more than one number (Remember you can only play ONE toonie per number and only put stickers on one side of your toonies or bills) !
Congratulations to Geraldine Wheeler who wins the small prize draw for Week 22. Geraldine wins a $50 Irving gift card! Geraldine, please call Family Resource Centre (634-2316) to make arrangements to pick up your prize!
Tell all yer maties about this awesome fundraiser to support literacy and family programs. We also support community groups! This week volunteers from CBI 8-B Boys Basketball joined us for the toonie count this week! They helped us with our count today and earned some funds for their cause!